Hello, Novice Entrepreneur!

If you do not know me yet, my name is Eli Shavit.

I am said to be a dangerous person and that you should be careful of me.

Do not believe them. I'm much more dangerous than they say.

Even one conversation with me can bend your mind.

Over 6,000 people could not avoid me, which caused them to set up businesses. Of course, from scratch. Most of them earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. 130 of them became millionaires.

So watch out for me! Because you, too, can start a business and, God forbid, become a millionaire!

Recently a guy named Assaf came to me and said:

- I work out at some gym. It's really not a great one. So I had a brilliant idea! I want to build a new gym - import the newest and most advanced equipment in the world! To start the business, I need a place in the center of Tel Aviv, 18 employees and a million dollars. How's the idea?!

- Do you have the million dollars?

- No.

- Do you have experience in setting up gyms?

- No.

- Do you have any idea regarding how to get customers?

- No.

- So what are you going to do?

- I want to take a loan from the bank or find an investor.

- Have you already tried asking the bank for money?

- Yes. They said they would not even give me 10,000 dollars.

- Why?

- Because I have no experience in business and I have no guarantors who are willing to sign on a loan.

- Did you try to find an investor?

- Yes. I met two. They also do not want to give me money. For the same reason.

- What did you come to me for?

- Maybe you can help me find the money?

- No. I will not help you find the money. But I can help you set up this business without money.

- How?!! How can you help me set up a million dollar gym without money?!

- Do you really want to start this business?

- Yes of course!

- Will you be willing to do what I tell you?

- For sure!

- Excellent. Here's your first task: go and talk to 30 people who already work out in gyms and ask them what's important to them as customers when they come to the gym. Ask them how important it is for them to have the most innovative facilities in the world at the gym.

A week has passed. Assaf returns upset.

- What's going on?

- I talked to people. It is important to them that the gym will be clean, with professional trainers. The innovation of the facilities does not matter to anyone.

- Beautiful. I've already saved you from a million dollar debt. Now let's move on to the next step. How long have you worked out at the gym?

- More than three years.

- Do you know the owner?

- Sure! He's a cool man. Always gives me nice discounts on the annual subscription.

- Here's your next task: Ask the gym owner to talk to you over a cup of coffee. In the conversation ask him how he set up the business, what difficulties he encountered, what made him set up the business and most importantly, ask him how he brought in the first customers. Tell him that you are studying the field and therefore all the advice you can get is important to you.

- But why would he tell me about all of this?! I'm going to be his competitor!

- Do not argue with me. Just do what I tell you to do. Go and ask him for a cup of coffee.

Assaf returned after 3 days.

- Listen, Eli, I do not know how it works, but he told me everything! He told how he started and why he even set up the business, he told about all of the difficulties, and told how he brought in the first customers! Unbelievable, but it's true! Why did he share this knowledge with me?

- Because no one else in life has asked him about it. Everyone is looking at his money, but no one has asked him how many difficulties he went through to set up the business. Tell me now what conclusions you drew from the conversation with him?

- I understood the difficulties that await me. I realized that without a desire to succeed I will not be able to face these difficulties. I understood how to bring in first-time customers. I understood everything!

- Wait. You still do not understand much. Here's your next task: go and meet 10 owners of 10 different gyms around the country, from different cities, and ask them the same questions.

- But why would they want to meet with me?! I know the owner of the place I practice, but the other owners - I don't!

- Do not argue with me. Just do what I tell you to do. Arrive at the gyms, ask to speak with the owner, say you are a budding entrepreneur and want to get to know the owner and ask him for some advice. Ask them the same questions you asked your friend. Start with small gym owners - they are much more open to conversations. Oh, I almost forgot, write down all the advice you get from them!

It was a whole month before Assaf returned.

- It took me a while to find the gyms. It took me even longer to make an appointment with the owners and talk to them.

- How many people do you meet? How many of them refused you?

Out of 18 people 8 refused me. But I did your job and met with 10 owners. At first it was hard, but slowly it became easier.

- What did you learn from them?

- I realized a lot of subtleties that I had not noticed before. I understood the difficulties that exist with employee management. I understood how and where to find professional coaches. I understood for what and how much customers are willing to pay. I figured out how to bring in customers and how to get them to buy the annual subscription.

- Excellent. You are ready to move on to the next step. Here is your mission: meet again with those 10 gym owners and of course also with the owner of the gym where you train and offer that you will bring them new customers, with commissions from each transaction. After that come back to me.

Assaf returned after two weeks.

- This time scheduling appointments was faster. They already knew me and met me for fun. Everyone except one said they were willing to give me between 10% and 25% for every customer I bring them. But everyone asked how I was going to bring them new customers. Really, how do I bring them new customers?

- There's nothing easier than that. After all, when you talked to business owners, you asked them how they brought in new customers, right?

- Right!

- You wrote down all the advice you got from them, right?

- Yes, of course! I wrote down all their ideas and tips!

- Do you understand what to do with these tips?

- I suppose so. I need to start implementing them and bring in customers?

- Exactly. You have a good head on your shoulders. Your mission: Close a partnership with the 3 business owners that you were the most comfortable with in a conversation, and tell them that you will start bringing customers for commissions. Ask them for advertising materials, affiliate links to their sites and their Facebook pages. After you agree with them on the terms - get back to me and I will explain how to bring in the new customers. On you go!

After a year Assaf already had a monthly income of $11,400 clean, without owning a private gym.

After two years he set up his own private gym, with no loans, no investors and no beginner mistakes.

He did all of this from scratch.
Dear reader, I guess you have a lot of questions right now: "Assaf knew what business he wanted to build, but I have no idea what I want to do! How do I choose a business direction? How will I know that this direction is profitable? How to bring in customers without a financial investment in advertising? How do I convince entrepreneurs to talk to me and how do I talk to them, so that they will want to cooperate with me? How do I protect myself so I can get the money I deserve?"

You will find the answers to all of these questions in the Start-Up Course.

The Start-Up Course is an online course that you can join right now and start setting up your business today, without loans.

Immediately upon registration, all the course contents will be open for you, and they will be permanently open for you.

Try it out. You have nothing to lose - you do not need to take out loans or get in debt. Maximum - it will work for you :)


Founder: Eli Shavit.
Lives and works from the private village, "Kfar Shavit", spread over an area of ​​20,000 square meters. From 2007 until today, has helped people start businesses, increase profits and build a stable income from the business. He has helped over 6,000 entrepreneurs, of whom 130 are now millionaires. Married with 4 children. You can read more in "The Entrepreneur's Bible".