Chapter 19. When business is over

I tried all types of investments: real estate, cars, gold, loans, I bought percentages in various businesses.

Each of these beginnings could have turned into a great business. I repeat - business. Not an investment of the type "I invested money and it works itself".

Key 59 to Success

Unfortunately, nothing works by itself. Not everything is as smooth as it seems. Even when there is quite a bit of money, there's still a lot of issues that need to be resolved. To make the investment profitable, you need to engage in it. Every day. Investment itself should become your business, your passion. Only then will the investment become an interesting and profitable business.
In this book I told only about a small part of what I tried. I focused here more on mistakes, than on successes. It is much better and cheaper to learn from the mistakes of others than about your own private mistakes :)

In addition to what I told you here, I was involved in the hotel business, a chain of gift boutiques, importing consumer products from Turkey and China, I opened several bakeries, I was involved in building CRM systems, I sold my patents to Google and many other businesses.

I can cite dozens more examples of ups and downs, successful and failed investments. But, honestly, I do not see it as much use. Because the conclusions I came to and about which I want to tell you in this chapter - turned my mind 180 degrees.

Throughout the period of creating various businesses and investments, I have gained a lot of experience. Not theoretical experience, but practical experience. I learned to do business - from scratch, with money, online, in the city, in the village. To start a business and start making the first money, I need a maximum of one week and it can be in any country in the world - whether it's in Israel, whether it's in Georgia, or whether it's in China.

Today, after going all the way, I made a decision - I no longer do any business.

I finished the businessman's track.

Business as a business, that is, activity for money - ceased to interest me. Of course, I need money and I love it, but it is no longer my main motive.

Key 60 to Success

The best investment is to do the job you love and invest the time and money in this particular business. A business you are willing to wake up with, that you are willing to dedicate yourself to all day, a business that you are willing to die for.
Did I find something like this for myself? Yes, I found!

My new project is Shavit Village and its residents - I will tell about it in the following chapters. I deal with it every day, from morning to late at night. I wake up with this doing and I live it.

"Do only what you can do effortlessly, but do it with all your might".

In order to fully concentrate on my favorite endeavors, I threw away all the investments, businesses, sold all my ventures - HomeBiz, Area, Sheelot, Money Inspector, TopLink, MicroMail.

It was very difficult for me to say goodbye to all these projects - after all, I developed them and treated them as my favorite children.

In fact, I distributed my business almost as a gift. I gave it to someone for free, someone else paid only a token price, no more than 5% of what I invested, and so on. But I do not regret, because all these projects required energy and time from me, at the expense of the main project, which I am doing now.

Key 61 for Success

You must be able to give up anything that distracts you from your goals. You should be able to leave, if you feel it is not yours.
This is a short chapter, but very important. To understand what I have written here, it took me several years and the acquisition of this experience cost me a considerable suitcase of money.
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